Well, my due date has come and gone and baby Eli is still not here! I went to the doctor today and we scheduled an induction for next Monday, 9/15. If he comes this week, it would be better, but at some point we have to induce. I'm getting frustrated that my body is not doing what it's supposed to do, but I know that he'll come when he's ready......or be evicted next Monday!
School is still going good, except that EVERYONE asks me EVERY DAY why I'm still there!! Well, I'm going to work until he's born. I want as much time off with Eli as I can. I know people are just trying to be nice and sympathize with me, but I'm so frustrated that I don't have my baby right now! My kids are great. They pretty much do what they're asked and only complain a little. What high school kid doesn't? I've been trying to get ahead so that the person taking over my classes knows what's going on when I leave!
I missed the second football game against Coleman, because it would have been too far for me if I had gone into labor. It was a sad loss, but I think that they will work harder and win! I did make it over to half of Round Rock's game Friday night, but sadly they lost too. I'm not sure if I'll make it to this Friday's homecoming game in Rogers...If I'm still feeling good, I'll be there.
I will update when Eli gets here and I have some pictures to share.
This year's Photography goal...
10 years ago
I can't wait to check in and find out Eli's here!! Hang in there Sarah!!! :)
Oh Sarah! I am so excited for you. I keep checking your blog wondering if there are any new pics yet. I will be thinking of you and Kent and little baby Eli and that everything goes smoothly, which I'm sure it will!
Happy Birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Eli
Happy Birthday to you!!
We love you so very much and can't wait to meet you!!
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